Inferno Mud Short 2022: 6 km of pure fun! | Inferno - Run like hell

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01 August 2022
Inferno Mud Short 2022: 6 km of pure fun!

Amidst the rolling Chianti hills and our diabolical mud, Inferno MUD Short returns on Saturday 8 October, with a 6 km course and 18 obstacles, starting from hu Norcenni Girasole village.

Bring your friends, registration is only open for the OPEN category with a course of pure adrenaline: mud slides, obstacles, smiles and lots of fun.

To complete the offer of a weekend already packed with all kinds of races, on Saturday 8 October INFERNO MUD SHORT returns.

A 6 km course and 18 obstacles, lots of mud for a super fun INFERNO race format to tackle with friends, family or whoever you want! 

Entries are only open in the OPEN category, aged 13 and over. A medical certificate for non-competitive activity will still be required in order to participate.

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, ché la diritta via era smarrita…

Hurry up and register, there will be two price changes for the INFERNO MUD SHORT, one at the end of August and one on race day. It will be possible to register on site on race day.

Put yourself to the challenge, happiness is beyond the obstacle...

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