An osteopathic treatment deal for our devils, in the hands of ICOM | Inferno - Run like hell

1667494976 schermata 2022 11 03 alle 18 02 33
26 October 2022
An osteopathic treatment deal for our devils, in the hands of ICOM

Have you too enjoyed ICOM's free osteopathic massages at the last Inferno Mud? 

We too have entrusted the recovery of our physical well-being into the hands of ICOM, which is now offering a year-round agreement for all devils! 

Do you know about our partner in physical and mental wellbeing? 

The ICOM osteopathic clinic is spread over 8 outpatient clinics where treatments are carried out
according to the highest clinical performance, in line with standard procedures. ICOM students, after passing an internal examination of suitability for osteopathic training, manage and treat the various disorders of outpatients, under the supervision of professional osteopathic tutors

Not sure what this is all about? Read here:

Osteopathy is a Complementary Medicine that makes use of exclusively
manual methods - no drugs, no surgery - and through palpatory investigation and the
gentle manipulation of joints, organs and tissues, localises and treats the cause of the pain, not infrequently far from the manifestation of the symptom.

Osteopathic therapy is indicated in all age groups as there is a wide range of disorders of the neuro - muscular - skeletal and visceral system whose structural or functional alterations can also create reflex disorders in other parts of the body.


The agreement, reserved exclusively for Inferno Run devils, includes the following conditions:

N° 1 Free Osteopathic First Visit + N° 1 Free Treatment
Validity until December 2023
Renewability of the Proposal
Cost of subsequent treatments euro 20 instead of euro 25

The osteopathic examination and treatment is characterised by two phases:

The first phase is called First Visit + Osteopathic treatment and lasts
approximately one and a half hours. It is aimed at collecting all the information
(regarding current and past disorders, postural habits of work and leisure, any
free time, any reports to be examined) useful for a correct analysis of the patient's problem
of the patient

The second phase is called Osteopathic Recall Treatment (N.1
appointments) lasts approximately 40 minutes during which, following the
personalised recovery programme drawn up, various osteopathic manipulations are carried out
with the aim of restoring, in the shortest possible time, the subject to a
condition of well-being in the shortest possible time.


Here are the contact details of the centre where you can take advantage of this convention, valid only for Infernorun members:

ICOM Florence

Viale della Giovine Italia, 17 - Florence

Tel: 055 589595

Opening hours:

Monday: From 14:20 to 19:00

Tuesday: From 14:20 to 19:00

Wednesday: From 2:20 pm to 6:20 pm

Thursday: 9:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:20 p.m. to 6:20 p.m.

Friday: 9:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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